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Tuna Bay, National Capital District

Our projects have been around Port Moresby and other Provinces.


Portions 3404C & 3405C (Tuna Bay Taurama) Granvile Fourmil of Moresby, NCD, PNG

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(+675) 7284 8888

Our experience in Papua New Guinea makes us very familiar with AS/NS electrical installations standards.

Track Record

  1. Building Services Sub-construction for Sea View Internal Gardens
  2. Building Services Sub-construction for Steamships Harbour Offices
  3. Building Services Sub-construction for Windward Apartment Stage 2
  4. Extension of high voltage distribution lines into Butuka Primary School
  5. Supply and installation of 500kVA step-down transformer at Portioin 1436, Milinch Granville, Fourmil Moresb, Allotment 18, Section128, Matirogo on Pari Road N.C.D.
  6. Highlands Highway reconstruction and upgrading project, power relocation from Keltiga junction to Kagamuga airport of the Highlands Highway in the Western Highlands Province
  7. Electricity supply connected to the Proposed Sentosa Garden Subdivision on Portion 63& 67 at Bomana in the National Capital District
  8. Extension of High Voltage distribution lines into Garden Hill Apartments
  9. Construction Temporary power supply for the new Mt. Hagen (Keltiga, Pauanda, Mendi & Tari 132kV Substations Project
  10. Design & Construction High Voltage Transmission/Distribution and Transformation for Construction of New ENGA Provincial Hospital
  11. More...